Monday, December 26, 2011

A Sunday Christmas!

Family Christmas dinner is always something we look forward to.

Bella in her new Sunday best. And family Christmas pics in their new Sunday dress.
Dom got a nook! Now he can read whenever without having to go to the Library so much!
Merry Christmas at 4:00 in the morning! Actually, the kids all got up at 3:00 or earlier! They were just so excited to see the presents. Daidree was super duper excited to see she got a BYU sweatshirt from Santa.
Dristin being goofy because he loves pajamas so much!
Sweet! Mom, Santa brought me video games!
Baby was thrilled to find out she wasn't on the naughty list this year.
What's Christmas without the tree?

Christmas Eve

For Christmas Eve, we had such a blast at Bonnie and Lloyd's. David and Angela and their kids were there. There were presents and the nativity with all the kids in it. Before going to Grandma's and Grandpa's we all went bowling and had the most fun as possible that night.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pumpkin Carvings!

All of the pumkins in the front! Aren't the just awsome of what?
Dristin has this new things for airplanes all of a sudden. So it was no shock to me that he did an amazing airplane on the front of his.
Dom got the smallest since he was the last to pick. haha suprised it wasn't Bella!
Davis carved this one! He did such a good job!
Bella and Daidree's. Pretty cool huh?

Monday, October 17, 2011

Idaho Falls Temple

A few months ago, my kids were so excited to go to the Temple. (Bella especially was excited, thinking that she was going inside. ha!) Since the ward was going to go, we decided to go for the first time since Brian and mine sealing! Now, that's saying something...I seriously can't wait to get a temple here! My daughter jumped right out of her seat when she heard the prophet say he was going to dedicate ours. She turned around and said "Now that's not something to joke around about!" haha! But it's really going to happen! I'm so grateful I was able to hear that Star Valley will be getting a temple!!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Relief Society Meeting and Temple Square

We were down in Utah last weekend when Grandma called me and Daidree and told us that she had two extra tickets to the 2011 Relief Society Meeting! How on earth could I have said no to that? So Daidree was super excited to go see the prophets and go to Temple Square for the first time! This is a picture of her in front of Joseph Smith statue in Deseret Book.

Daidree and Grandma in front of one of the world's most famous statues of Christ.

These last pictures are of Grandma, Me and Daidree in the conference center after the meeting. It was such a wonderful message filled meeting!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Root Beer!

For mutual, Daidree and the mimaids were in charge of the drinks and main dish for a dutch oven cookoff. Daidree got put in charge of the drinks. So guess what she made for the first time? Root Beer!!!!! It was very delicious!
That's right, she used a cooler to put the root beer in!
Look at how concentrated she is at making it. She stood there for an hour stirring it and later found out she just needed to let it set. Haha!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Fall Pictures!

Dristin with his amazing goofy looking smile.
My two adorable daughters. One day the were just messin' around when Daidree got bored and decide to make her and Bells look cute enough for pictures. Believe it or not she took this in the backyard by the fence. Suprisingly this picture turned out really good!

Saturday, September 3, 2011


This is one of those days that I feel like making my babie's hair look cute and take lots of pictures! She was actually happy that I did this because she "looks like a princess." I agree with her. My little cutie!


Dristin the little jock is such a good football player! He is so excited to be playing for the middle school!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Audios High Schoolers!

The school system this year is different to what the normal school schedule usually is. The High Schoolers (due to sports and other after school activities) get to have Fridays off and only once a month they have to go on a Friday. But because of this system, they get to start earlier than the Middle School and Elementarys, and end later than the other schools. So this morning, Dom and Daidree were sent off to their first day of school today, while the younger kids stay home until next week. Then I have the house all to myself with Bella going to Preschool!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Happy 12th birthday Dristin! Wow, I can't believe you are now old enough to recieve the priesthood, and old enough to play middle school football! His birthday was such a busy day! We had to pick up Daidree's friend for them to go raise money and work, then to pick up Dristin's friends to go to the bowling alley! Crazy!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Soccer Games

Davis has made the decision to join soccer this year! He was so excited when it started on the first day, but then on his first game it rained and hailed! He enjoyed it even better because he told me he could run and not get sweaty.
"I've got this one guys!"
"Stand back!"

What a cutie!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Okay, these pictures were taken in April, but I had to get my kids actually being good in service. I took these Daidree, Dristin, and Davis out of school to do some service by picking up garbage off of the side of the rode. Hehe! I just love it!

Daidree and Dristin doing the best they could do even though it was freezing that morning.

Oh, they all look so dang happy to be out of school and being on garbage duty!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Oh, Deetz! She is so proud that she is only one year away from dating! Crap! They are growing up so fast. Happy 15th Daidree!
Happy 17th Dominique! I can't believe my oldest is already a senior! Yikes! That must mean I'm getting old!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Pool Party!

Bella was so tired that day. All she wanted was her daddy. Thank goodness she was tired enough after the party to sleep the whole way home.

Bella and Daidree. Bella was bothering her about how her daddy wasn't getting in the pool. haha. Little poop.

Kasey, Melissa and Heath.

Dristin didn't get out of the pool once. He having so much fun I guess he didn't have time to eat.

Fourth of July Parade!

The fire trucks only threw candy if you waved at them. Bella didn't understand that she had to wave her hands in order to get candy. She was so frustrated. Thank goodness the other kids were there waving their little hands everywhere to get their share.

The flags and patriots.

Draden and Dristin enjoying themselves before the parade began.

Daidree and Bella waiting for the parade to get going for some fun.

On the way to the parade. Bella was so disappointed to find out we were not going to the circus. But she had fun anyways.