Monday, August 29, 2011

Audios High Schoolers!

The school system this year is different to what the normal school schedule usually is. The High Schoolers (due to sports and other after school activities) get to have Fridays off and only once a month they have to go on a Friday. But because of this system, they get to start earlier than the Middle School and Elementarys, and end later than the other schools. So this morning, Dom and Daidree were sent off to their first day of school today, while the younger kids stay home until next week. Then I have the house all to myself with Bella going to Preschool!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Happy 12th birthday Dristin! Wow, I can't believe you are now old enough to recieve the priesthood, and old enough to play middle school football! His birthday was such a busy day! We had to pick up Daidree's friend for them to go raise money and work, then to pick up Dristin's friends to go to the bowling alley! Crazy!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Soccer Games

Davis has made the decision to join soccer this year! He was so excited when it started on the first day, but then on his first game it rained and hailed! He enjoyed it even better because he told me he could run and not get sweaty.
"I've got this one guys!"
"Stand back!"

What a cutie!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Okay, these pictures were taken in April, but I had to get my kids actually being good in service. I took these Daidree, Dristin, and Davis out of school to do some service by picking up garbage off of the side of the rode. Hehe! I just love it!

Daidree and Dristin doing the best they could do even though it was freezing that morning.

Oh, they all look so dang happy to be out of school and being on garbage duty!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Oh, Deetz! She is so proud that she is only one year away from dating! Crap! They are growing up so fast. Happy 15th Daidree!
Happy 17th Dominique! I can't believe my oldest is already a senior! Yikes! That must mean I'm getting old!