Thursday, January 29, 2009

I need to explain some of these pictures. The first one is Brielle and Bella at Thanksgiving. We wanted to get a cute picture of them but they wouldn't cooperate. We finally got one that was only sorta what I wanted. The next one is Daidree and Bells on Daidree's new bedspread on Christmas Day. Bella was so cute I had to get a picture. The next one has kind of a funny story. If you will notice the "Owie" on Brian's left eye, you will understand why I was not happy about the two of them shooting their air soft guns in the house. Dominique got Brian and he now has a tremor in that eye and will need glasses. Part of that is just because he is getting old. But getting shot certainly did not help. Next is Christmas morning. It looks like a lot of presents dosen't it? Well, when you have lots of kids and each kid get's at least 5 presents, plus whatever else, it add's up to look like a bunch. But it was a great Christmas. Last is Bella at Halloween time. Isn't she cute. ahbade ahbade ahbade that's all folks!!!

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